
HTTP Full Form | ( What is Hyper Text Transfer Protocol)

What is the full form of HTTP?

HTTP: Hyper Text Transfer Protocol

HTTP full form is Hyper Text Transfer Protocol. HTTP is an abbreviation of the hyper text transfer protocol .It provides a set of rules and standard for governing the information transmitted on the world wide web. HTTP is an application layer network protocol built on top of the TCP. It makes use of the Hyper Text structured text which establishes the logical link between the nodes holding text 
HTTP full form

HTTP work flow:-

  • HTTP work on request and response between browser and server 
  • Web server is designated to handle HTTP request then sends requested HTML pages 
  • Proxy servers is used with firewalls to monitor and direct HTTP traffic through proxy to external

Hyper Text Transfer Protocol

  • Set of rules used to exchange files on world wide web 
  • Users can exchange text graphic images Sand video and others multimedia files 
  • Defines how messages are formatted and transmitted over the internet
HTTP full form

What is HTTPS?

In a simple way, if you see any site running over HTTPS it means the site is running in a secure mode. You can browse this site and your personal information will be always secure

During browse the different sites on the internet, you noticed that all e-commerce site always run overs HTTPS, why? Because all e-commerce site has provided an option to place an order and during the place, an order customer add their bank account details or debit card details to make a payment

HyperText Transfer Protocol (HTTP)and S is a Stand for (secure socket layer).HTTPS works on the fourth layer of the OSl model that is the transport layer.
when you search in the Google search engine you will find the https in the search bar.

HTTP full form

International Standard 

RFC 1945 HTTP/ 1.0(1996)
RFC 2616 HTTP/1.1(1999)
RFC 7540 HTTP/2 (2015)
RFC 7541 Header compression (2,2015)
RFC 7230 message syntax and routing (1.1,2014)
RFC 7231 semantic and content (1.1,2014)
RFC 7232 conditional request (1.1,2014)
RFC 7233 range request (1.1,2104)
RFC 7234 caching (1.1,2014)
RFC 7325 authentication (1.1,2104)
Developed by   initially CERN,IETF,W3C
Introduced        1991;29 years ago

Development of HTTP was initiated by Tim berners- Lee at CERN in 1989.

HTTP Request Method 

  1. GET Method :  
The get method is used for getting the data from the server. Get method appends the parameters passed as a query string to a URL in the form of key-value pairs.

2. POST Method :
The post method is used for Transfer or sends data to the server. In the post method, the query string is appended along with the request object, they do not get appended transfer in hidden form.

3 .HEAD Method :
When a user wants to know about the headers, like MIME types, charset, content length then we use a method with this nobody content is returned.

The above three are commonly used methods of JSP. Get and post methods are the most widely used. There is more method of HTTP protocols, they are rarely.

4. TRACE Method:
Trace on the JSP resources returns the content of the resources. Ask for a loopback the request message, so that the use can see what is being on the side. 

5. DELETE Method:
It is used for delete the resources file at the request URL.

6. OPTIONS Method:
It list the HTTP method to which the thing at the requested URL can respond.

7. PUT Method:
It put the enclosed information at the requested URL.

8. CONNECT Method:
It connects for the purpose of tunneling.
HTTP full form

Difference between stateless and stateful protocol

Stateless protocol: 

Stateless protocol are the type of network protocol in which client or customer send request to the server and server reply back according to current state. It does not require the server to retain session information or a status about each communicating partner for multiple requests.

Stateful protocol: 

In stateful protocol if the client sends a request to the server then it expects some kind of response, if it doesn't get any response then it resends the request.
HTTP full form


What is the full form of HTML and HTTP? 
The full form of HTML is HyperText Markup language that is used for creating web pages and websites.

The full form of HTTP is HyperText Transfer protocol, it is a method used to transfer or convey information of the World Wide Web.

What is the full form of HTTPS?
The full form of HTTPS is the HyperText Transfer protocol secure. It is used for secure communications over a computer network. It is a protocol where encrypted HTTP data is transferred over a secure connection.

What is the full form of FTP?
The full form of FTP is File Transferred Protocol. It is a standard network protocol used to transfer computer files between a client and server on a computer network through FTP, a client can remove, download, delete, upload files on the server.

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